Aluminum coils

Color coated aluminum and steel


and steel

with good formation, corrosion, decoration, mechanical properties, is being more and more widely used in building decoration, transportation, the field closely related to people’s life, gradually replaced the color steel sheet.

Color coated aluminum and steel

Color coated steel
DurabilityThe formation of aluminum oxide film with the atmosphere prevents further corrosionIt is easy to corrode rust in wet air and rain and snow, especially in the welding joints

Strength and  rigidity

The content of magnesium and manganese in aluminum sheet has certain strength and rigidityGood strength and rigidity
AppearanceNon color coated

(Hammer grain,embossed,prepassivation alumina surface treatment, etc)

and color coated(PVDF,FEVE,PE,PVC)

Color coated(PVDF,FEVE,PE,PVC)
anti-lighting performanceThe thickness is generally 0.7mm and 0.9mm, which can be used directly as lightning protection and to avoid perforation in the houseIt is generally used to use 0.5mm thick aluminum zinc plating and galvanized steel plate. It cannot be used as a lightning proof flash
Fire PrecautionIn case a fire occurs in a lower melting point (660 ℃), roof is easy to be burned to wear, make the fire spread outward, not inward lateral spreading, thorough fire hose from the top to help firefighters put out the fireSteel of high melting point (1515 ℃)


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