Aluminum coils

Classification of aluminum plate


, which is made of pure aluminum or aluminum alloy material through pressure processing (shear or sawing), is made of rectangular material with uniform thickness in cross section. It is customary to use the thickness of more than 0.2mm, less than 500mm, 200mm width above, and the length of 16m within the length of aluminum is called aluminum sheet or aluminum sheet, and 0.2mm is aluminum foil, 200mm below. Within the width of the material or strip material (of course, with the progress of large equipment, the widest 600mm can be done more).

Aluminum plates are usually divided according to the following two types:
1. according to the composition of the alloy, it is divided into:
High purity aluminum sheet (rolled from high purity aluminium with more than 99.9 content)
Pure aluminum (the ingredients are basically rolled from pure aluminum)
Aluminum alloy plate (composed of aluminum and auxiliary alloy, usually aluminum copper, aluminum manganese, aluminum silicon, aluminum magnesium, etc. Series)
Composite aluminum plate or soldering plate (aluminum sheet material for special purposes) by means of multiple material combinations.
Aluminum clad aluminum sheet (aluminum sheet coated with thin aluminum sheet for special purpose)
2. the thickness is divided into: (unit mm)
Thin plate 0.15-2.0
Conventional plate 2.0-6.0
Medium plate 6.0-25.0
Thick plate 25-200
Over 200 super thick plates


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