Aluminum coils

H24 and O of the 1050 medium-thick aluminum plate difference


First of all, we must know that the 1050 medium-thick aluminum plate is divided into two different forms: O-state and H-state.
In terms of the manufacturing process, the aluminum plate in the O state is formed by crystallization after being completely annealed, and the H24 is in a state of incomplete annealing after work hardening.

In terms of physical properties: the O-state aluminum plate is relatively soft, while the H24-state aluminum plate is relatively harder than the O-state. That is to say, the hardness of the 1050 aluminum plate in the H24 state is greater than the O state.
In terms of scope of use: Because the O-state aluminum plate is relatively soft, it is easy to bend and deepen, and is mainly used for decoration, packaging, and other industries. The H24 state is relatively hard, and can be used for drawing, shearing, and bending. It is generally used in curtain wall, machining, and other industries.


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